Which Of The Following Statements Is False?
Which Of The Following Statements Is False?: As such, a statement is an assertion that something is or is not the case. A statement is true if what it asserts is the case, and it is false if what it asserts is not the case. Need a personal statement writing help? Just read this review on omnipapers.com and make an order on Copycrafter.net after.
For instance, the statement “The trains are always late” is only true if what it describes is the case, i.e., if it is actually the case that the trains are always late. This is false in Auckland. Sometimes trains are on time, and sometimes they are early. Someone may impatiently complain that the trains are always late to express their exasperation with the train system, but strictly speaking what they say is false.

It is true that bananas have no bones, and I do like bananas, but I like bananas because they are tasty and healthy, not because they have no bones. I would thus say something false if I said “I like bananas because they have no bones.” That’s why “I like bananas because they have no bones” is a statement. It is the kind of sentence that is either true or false – in this case false.
Which Of The Following Statements About Receptor Potentials Is False?
A receptor potential, also known as a generator potential, a type of graded potential, is the transmembrane potential difference produced by activation of a sensory receptor.
A receptor potential is often produced by sensory transduction. It is generally a depolarizing event resulting from inward current flow. The influx of current will often bring the membrane potential of the sensory receptor towards the threshold for triggering an action potential. Receptor potential can work to trigger an action potential either within the same neuron or on an adjacent cell. Within the same neuron, a receptor potential can cause local current to flow to a region capable of generating an action potential by opening voltage-gated ion channels. A receptor potential can also cause the release of neurotransmitters from one cell that will act on another cell, generating an action potential in the second cell. The magnitude of the receptor potential determines the frequency with which action potentials are generated and is controlled by adaption, stimulus strength, and temporal summation of successive receptor potentials. Receptor potential relies on receptor sensitivity which can adapt slowly, resulting in a slowly decaying receptor potential or rapidly, resulting in a quickly generated but shorter-lasting receptor potential.
An example of a receptor potential is in a taste bud, where taste is converted into an electrical signal sent to the brain. When stimulated, the taste bud triggers the release of neurotransmitters through exocytosis of synaptic vesicles from the presynaptic membrane. The neurotransmitter molecules diffuse across the synaptic cleft to the postsynaptic membrane of the primary sensory neuron, where they elicit an action potential.
How is the receptor potential generated?
A receptor potential is often produced by sensory transduction. It is generally a depolarizing event resulting from inward current flow. … Within the same neuron, a receptor potential can cause local current to flow to a region capable of generating an action potential by opening voltage-gated ion channels.
What is the Generator potential of a receptor?
: stationary depolarization of a receptor that occurs in response to a stimulus and is graded according to its intensity and that results in an action potential when the appropriate threshold is reached. — called also receptor potential.
Why does the threshold increase when the interval between?
Which Of The Following Statements About Taxes Is False?
Filing a fraudulent return is considered misreporting your income by the IRS and can result in criminal or civil penalties. Civil penalties are more common, as the government has to meet a lower burden of proof and has to dedicate fewer resources to the investigation.
There are several levels of accuracy-related penalties for understating your income. Negligence – in other words, failing to make a reasonable attempt to comply with tax laws – and substantial understatement of income is the most common, and carry a penalty of 20 percent of the portion of the tax underpayment.
Civil fraud is a more serious issue. When there is clear and convincing evidence that some part of the understatement of tax was due to fraud, and that the taxpayer’s intent was to evade the assessment of tax that he or she believed was owed, it could be a case of civil fraud. The penalty for civil fraud amounts to 75 percent of the tax underpayment.
Felony criminal statutes are the most powerful enforcement tool available to the IRS. When the IRS initiates a criminal case, the agency likely has very strong evidence. A criminal conviction for tax evasion can carry a prison term of up to five years, as well as substantial fines and charges to cover the cost of prosecution.
While both civil and criminal penalties for tax-related offenses can be stiff, there are ways to fight the case against you. For example, if you are assessed an accuracy-related penalty and can show that there was reasonable cause for the underpayment and you acted in good faith, the penalty cannot stand.
If you’re facing a tax-related penalty or investigation by the IRS for purported inaccuracies on your tax return, be proactive and get in touch with a taxpayer defense attorney. The earlier you begin building your case, the better the odds that your attorney can secure a reduction or elimination of your penalty.
Which Of The Following Statements About Deuterostomes Is False?
So sentences that can be true or false are statements. Quite simple. But things can get more complicated. Let’s see how.
Something can be a statement even if we don’t know whether it’s true or false. All that matters about statements is that they are the kind of things that can be true or false, not that we know whether they are true or false. For instance:
- Ivan Slotvsky, the famous Irish builder of Madrid, is eating ham steaks and chutney at this very moment.
True or false? I don’t know. But it is the kind of thing that could be true or false.
Here’s another one:
- Sometime in the next 39 years, I will have a creepy next-door neighbor.
So far, so good. I’ve been lucky and I haven’t had a creepy next-door neighbor. But the statement is true if it will be the case someday that I have a creepy next-door neighbor in the next 39 years. Otherwise, the statement is false. But I don’t know whether the statement is true or false. Regardless, what matters is that this sentence is the kind of thing that is true or false.
Another example:
- Vero is part of Promina
I have no idea what Vero or Promina is. But the sentence expresses something that is either true or false.
The same statement can be true on some occasions and false in others. That is, statements are not always true or always false.
Here’s an example:
- I’m a Kiwi.
This statement is true of Tim, and it’s false of Patrick. Or the statement
- Patrick is a happily married man.
was false before Patrick got married, it is true now (while I’m typing this), and it may become false in the future.